quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2009

Hello there! It`s been a while since my last post, cause I`ve been really busy with lots of work! Ahm, there`s a lot going on like... my Graduation Final Presentation and my future in Hollywood.
 What?!?! Hollywood?? Yup, been defined my goal as an concept illustrator, my next move is to study digital arts in LA.
 I found recently a great place where I can develop my skills and upgrade my network: Gnomon School Of Visual Effects (www.gnomonschool.com). I`m going next year on the first week of April. Crossing fingers for this to happen!

Img: illustration class at college. Theme: interactivity 

domingo, 1 de março de 2009

My second Matte Paint

Well, I did`nt like it very much, the composition is not that interesting to me.... but it was good for practicing. Took me about 5 hours I think....